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El Greco Gallery

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With containers of different shapes and sizes, metal hooks and clips, Uten.Silo brings order to offices, kitchens, workshops, bathrooms and children's rooms. Uten.Silo is available in the original size from 1969 – Uten.Silo I – as well as the smaller 1970 edition – Uten.Silo II – in the colours white, black and red.

About Designer
Dorothee Becker

Dorothee Becker, born 1938 in Aschaffenburg, Germany, studied languages in Frankfurt and Munich. After living for a time in London and Paris, she moved to California in 1960. She returned to Germany with her husband, Ingo Maurer, and ran a successful shop for well-designed and practical everyday objects until 1989. Becker has continued her creative activities to the present day.
